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In the districts of the country affected by sudden floods, all officials under the Ministry of Agriculture have been ordered to stay at work by canceling their leave.

                     At this time, instructions have been given to provide services to farmers in flood-affected areas.

                     Honorable Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Dr. Mohammad Emdad Ullah Mian gave this instruction.

                     According to reports received till 22 August 2024, the amount of cropland affected by flash flood is: 230.7 ha in Munshiganj, 3389 ha in Sylhet, 43271 ha in Moulvibazar, 6894 ha in Habiganj, 12089 ha in Chittagong, 4289 ha in Cox's Bazar, 36745 ha in Noakhali, 31545 ha in Feni. Ha., 9478ha in Lakshmipur, 65135ha in Comilla, 6414ha in Brahmanbaria. and 10922 hectares in Chandpur. The total crop loss in the affected 12 districts is Aush 68,209 ha., Aman 1,38,619 ha., Bona Aman 570 ha., Ropa Aman Bijtala 12910 ha., Vegetables 9 519 ha., Sugarcane 384 ha. And get 191 hectares.

                      Development of emergency seed beds for farmers in high areas after flood from Agriculture Extension Department, construction of floating seed beds, planting of Ufshi varieties instead of local varieties, planting of short duration seedlings of rice (Bri paddy-56, 57, 75, 87), flood Cultivation of tolerant varieties Bridhan-51, 52, 79, arrangement of vegetable plantations in floating beds, cultivation of vines and spices (pepper, ginger) in sacks, seedlings of Nabi varieties Aman, BR-22, 23 and local Gainja, under cover cultivation, Double transplanting method has been suggested to increase seedling cultivation and direct sowing of germinated rice seeds.

                      Farmers are being requested from the Ministry to take advice on agricultural matters from the Upazila Agriculture Officer.

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